Saturday, May 12, 2007


Hello everyone... so its saturday yah!!! im kinda stuck at the house tho becuase i do not have a key yet and i do not feel comfortable to leave the house with no one in it unlocked... so i sit here and wait lol... and kill ants:P ill admitt today i tried calling my mom but there was no answer so i was going to call my sister but i didnt ... i was fighting back the tears but i stopped myself because honestly things could be a million times worse .. right now does not feel like the best moment in my life but im just going to keep praying it gets better:) and im sure once i stop feeling sick i will be ok... Mom the school i am working at is called Hui Hwa bilingual elementry and also mom download a program on joels computer called skype because its a telephone online and its already set up on my end ok!!!!love you soooooooooooo much 


Anonymous said...

Hi Krystal, sorry you are board I have the phone on now and I tried to phone you but the number I have says it is not in use. It might be a good idea if you rest up this weekend to get rid of your cold. I think I have sympathy sickness because today I woke up feeling really shitty. I have a nine hour day today so I guess I will just suck it up. I will not be leaving until 8:45 so if you get this before then maybe try to call again. Joel is getting ready for work he has to be there by 8:00. I think Candice is going to be here today at some point to leave a message. I will get Joel to down load that program as soon as possible. keep trying to call I would like to have your number so I can call you to. It is so hard to keep positive especially when you are not feeling well but try your best. thanks for the name of your school I will google it to see if I can see it on my screen. I will talk to you later I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH. Have a good sleep my little Krissy pie. Mom. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOOOOOXXXXXX.

Unknown said...

Yay! You finally got Skype!! What's your contact name? Mine is kanadianrocker if you'd like to add me and give me a shout, anytime you're bored and want to chat! How does the headset work? Hope to chat to you soon. Love ya!