Saturday, June 30, 2007


Hello everyone!! WELL on july 1st i was here for 2 whole months WOW CAN you believe it?? cause i cant.. honestly the first week i got here i thought i would be gone in a month but i am so happy i have stuck it out!! and im sure after another couple months it will be like i dont want to leave ( well maybe i wont go that far) haha this weekend has been pretty mellow just enjoying being here shopping alittle at the markets! I FEEL like my plans for traveling change daily hahah and the lenght of time that im staying changes all the time to RIGHT NOW i know for sure that i will be def staying untill november because of my ticket will i stay much longer after that?? i am not sure !! but i know i am doing this for me AND NOT ANYONE ELSE and im being extremly selfish because its all about me i cant worry about letting people down or not sticking my contract out because i have to do whats best for me! yeah anyways i dont have much to say today nothing to exciting is happening yet just pumped about getting my scuba certificate and im doing lots of investageting on flying to all these countries that i want to see, i have realized i prb wont come home with alot of money because of all the sight seeing i wanna do but hey i have my whole life to make money, and i have this once to explore the east free with out anyone telling me when i have to leave or without me having any commintments back home so i am taking full advantage of it :D love you all!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

hahah ooh before i forget, so you know how theres those machines that you put money in and thers like a claw that you try and get a teddy bear or w.e with AHAHAH well they are everywhere here, and its funny because theres like porn videos dildos, vibraters right in WITH THE TEDDY BEARS!!!!!!! Porn videos can be bought everywhere and think of like a store like save on foods where anyone can go into, on isle having pots and pans and then the next isle having dildos hahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!! its kinda gross kinda funny love you all

life goes on

So its not as if i expect everyone to stay the same, or sit back and do nothing while im over here..its just kinda hard sometimes thinking the life is going on everyone is moving on doing new things etc and im not apart of it.. maybe part of me thought all my family would sit at home wait for me to come back as stupid as that sounds!! i dont know its almost as if im trying to stay connected to the life back at home, something that i dont feel apart of anymore:(.. and then trying to start a new one here that no one at home could even begin to relate to so today im struggling with that a bit!! im really proud of myself tho im running everyday,, theres a track like a mentioned before right by our apartment haha and it even has bats that at around 6ish they start to come out... BEFORE I FORGET mom thank you SOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR THE CARE PACKAGE When i talked to you on the phone i never thanked you!!! all the things were great!!!!!!! i think i might be a size 11 now which is cool because the pants you sent me are to big hahah i dont mind tho!! i have been finding alot of clothing shops that have all kinds of sizes because there are heavy people here lol ! its getting hotter by the day which is good/bad YEAH FOR NO BRAS lol.. i have started to have a bit of road rage hahah its very funny actually because someone will cut me off or whatever and ill YELL IM A FRIGGIN FORIENGER YOU CANT DO THAT I DONT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE LIKE THAT BLUHBLUHBLuh and they turn with a big grin on there face and nod there head a couple times as if i liked him doing that haha they obviously dont understand what iam saying which is honestly kinda nice!! i could be telling themoff but as long as i have a smile on my face they love it hahah anyways IM FEELING BETTER!!! my flu from hell seems to be going away and hopefully i wont get another one for a while fingers crossed... LOVE YOU ALL... ps Keep me posted on the baby situation Giselle.... and i hope all is going well with you hows landon doing anyways ?? ttyl

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Hey evryone, sorry i have not been writting as often, i just really have been soaking up being here and really coming to the realization that im doing this!! i set this huge goal, and im doing it im living it!! its so incredible i dont know i wish you guys were here to experience this!! people say its life changing and they are so right! i am really seeing what i am made of, i have finally found my voice, and as strange as it seems i feel like i have never been more true to who i am then right now being here!! You know some days its just so hard and you wish you could go somewhere and not be noticed, just escape!! and you drag your butt all day and then on the way home your driving your scooter and you see mountains right in front of you with the clouds starting to roll in, and on the left you see what seems like miles and miles of rice patties that are actually very beautiful when there all green, and on your right you see palm trees agaisnt a pink/blue sky and it almost takes your breathe away and you think how lucky am i ?? and usually that feeling lasts about 5 mins before a BIG HUGE bug smacks you in the chest and when i say big i mean LITTERALLY THE WIDTH OF THREE FINGERS AND THE LENGHT OF YOUR PINKY!!! Yeah after that the feeling goes away hahah but you have to take in the bad if you want to take in the good!! I was talking to my mom the other night and telling her this was the best/hardest/scariest/unexpected/amazing jorney that i am on!! ahhh lol anyways im doing really good we have found some really good places to eat and there hot pots mmmmm soo good and healthy and we are running into more english teachers as time passes,theres a track right by my apartment and we found the movie theater and theres two swimming pools! my traveling plans might change a bit in the next littler while just because of graduation with out students i migth not beable to get the time off !! but anyways i love you all soooooo much honestly thank you so much for your support!! and ill leave you with the song lyrics to one of the songs i feel best describes me right now

Her face is a map of the world
Is a map of the world
You can see she's a beautiful girl
She's a beautiful girl
And everything around her
is a silver pool of light
The people who surround her
feel the benefit of it
It makes you calm
She holds you captivated in her palm

Suddenly I see
This is what I wanna be
Suddenly I see
Why the hell it means so much to me

I feel like walking the world
Like walking the world
You can hear she's a beautiful girl
She's a beautiful girl
She fills up every corner
like she's born in black and white
Makes you feel warmer
when you're trying to remember
What you heard
She likes to leave you hanging on a wire

Suddenly I see

And she's taller than most
And she's looking at me
I can see her eyes
looking from a page in a magazine
Oh she makes me feel
like I could be a tower
A big strong tower
She got the power to be
The power to give
The power to see

Suddenly I see

Sunday, June 24, 2007


man!! working last saturday really threw me for a loop i am sooooooo tired today!! and i have telephone teaching so i will be at work untill 7 booo!! work is going ok. being here is going ok!! still weird but Huwei has a movie theater swimming pool theres a track close to our house so i can run !! its actually a really great place!! well i am at school so this will be short but i love you all i miss you guys and i miss canada lol byebye

Friday, June 22, 2007

Sick again

Well im sure you have all heard by now i left my bank card in the machine at the 7 eleven... i know crazy!!! oh well i have gotten it figured out so no worries the bank will send me a new card!! and i know people might be thinking what will i do with money dont worrry i have more then enough:D:D:D.. Well i am sick again and it seems like i will be fine for 1 week and then sick for 2.. fine for 1 sick for another two.. which i m sure is pretty normal working in a school enviroment it just sucks!! nothing really new is happening with me just busy working and looking around huwei my diet has not been all th ebest this past week but im jumping back on the band wagon with that !! anyways i love you all and just alittle SHOUT OUT TO HOLLY AND SEAN ON THERE WEDDING DAY I HOPE EVERYTHING GOES GREAT!!! LOVE YOU BOTH AND WISH YOU A LIFETIME OF HAPPINESS MWHA

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Trip to kenting

Well kenting is sooooooooo awesome.. we started off the day driving to Donan to catch a train to Koichung which we got there in perfect timing:D:D sooo we got on the train and travelled two hours by train to koichung train station once we got there we had alittle bite to eat went to the bathrooms yes in the gross!!! hole in the ground hahah.. !! once we were done we set outside to find a bus or taxie either one to take us to kenting.. soo as soon as we stepped outside there was like 20 taxies waiting to drive people around !! we were approached by a gentle men and i did my first haggling!!! i was very proud of myself actually:D so our cabie took us al the way down to kenting and he stayed there waiting for us:D so we walked all the way down to the beach and let me tell you i have never seen so many speedos in my life!!! lol i took a picture of this one guy lol i will post it and its for you auntie cheryl lol honestly when i saw this guy all i could think about was you for some reason haha!! the beach was amazing nice and warm water.. and you could see ocean for like a million miles !!! and there are so many things to do there .. im sure you would never be bored!! the shops are incredible with so many amzing nice stuff... and almost everyone in the shops speak alittle english which is nice!! omg mom i know what i want for my birthday a really big jewlery box one that you can open up for your necklaces to hang.. a place for your earings.. and braclets becasue i am going to come home with so so so much jewlery and sooooooooo many shoes becasue DAMN lol... and i also knwo exactly what i am getting everyone from kenting lol ideas were runnign wild thats for sure!! sorry i have not been writing lots i just really have been out there exploring the new town and exploring taiwan!! Robert said going to kenting would nto be such a good idea because its overwhelming etc and you could get lost AHHHH HES SUCH A LOSER!!! honestly !! he tries so hard to get you to feel like your powerless but sucks to be him because i am anythign but powerless and going to kenting was not overwhelming at all!! it was soo easy!! on the way home kinda sucked just because we had to stand on the train becasue it was full.. i mean front to back full of people!! haha i got attacked by alittle black fish.. it was maybe the size of my thumb nail and it came up real close to me so i backed up.. it came close again so i moved the water.. and it did it again so i moved the water and then swam a bit and then it jumped up out of the water lol it was kidna funny!! Well the apartment is great!! honestly we are getting air conditioning tomorrow which will be really great becasue its just getting hotter by the day!! ALSO IM MAKING FREINDs!! there was a couple that came here about a month ago and robert introduced me to them and actually 2o mins ago i saw her becasue i am at an internet cafe and we talked and she is soooooo nice we are going to get together becasue it seems like we have alot in common.. plus we both hate robert hhaha!! anyways!!! it will be nice i gave her my email address but just to beable to have another girl to hang with will be great!! anyways.. ill be going to hongkong on the 4th of april:D:D soo you wont be hearing from me for alittle while when i go!! YEAH IM MAKING FRIENDS HAHA sorry its just honestly soo nice to see white people tyou have no idea or people you can have a good convo with without having to use hand motions or pictures!! p.s theres a really nice little bar by apartment:D:D soo i should be dirnking alittle more which will be nice.. anyways guys i dont knwo what else to say im having a good time i extended my ticket untill nov 15th soo that was a big step for me i can stay longer then that or i can go home but either way nov 15th is a ways away!! so im here def untill then.. LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! im doing really good so dont worry about me im having the time of my life
Yours truly
the toothless wonder

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hello everyone..
this will be really short seeing how you guys are wondering where i have been lol i am going to an internet cafe tonight so i wil write more then!! but im ok THE BEACH WAS AMZING!!!!!!!!! OMG I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! its def going to be a regular thing!! anyways i will fill you al in later tonight i am at the school in between classes right now so i love you all !! and ill fill you in in a bit:D

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hello everyone... Well i chipped my flipping tooth thats right and not just any tooth my front tooth!!thats what you get for trying to go healthy, i was going to get a bag of chips but i was like no im not im going to get some unsalted almonds instead.. and when i tried to open them crack!! so now im wlaking around with half a tooth lol oh well i guess it will build character. MOM THANK YOU SO UCH FOR THE PACKAGE!!! MWHAMWHAMWHAMWHA I LOVE IT I AM SO EXCITED AND THANK YOU FOR THE PANTs normally i dont share my pant size lol but the size 13 fit and are alittl big aroun the waste AHAHHAHAHAHAH ANAREXIA WORKS!!! haha just joking no but i ma so excitd about this :D:D:D anywho i should go i lov eyou all mike made it here alright and its kinda weird kinda nice lol bow chika bow wow ( sorry grandma) haha love you all
your toothless wonder
Hey everyone this will be a short email, i am really excited abou tth eweekend and going to kenting its going to be so much fun!! i have been busy today cleaning and buying things for my apartment who knew you could fit so much stuff on a scooter lol!! anyways i love you all sooooooooo much mom i miss you like crazy!!have a good weekend everyone love krystal
p.s ill be thinking of each and every one of you while im drinking cocktales on the beach hahaha ( now if thats not cheeky i dont know what is)

Thursday, June 14, 2007 lol honestly people copy and paste that!!!!!!!!!! it might stop and go stop and go while playing just put it on pause untill its done loading lol its worth it

Everythings changing

Today was a really good day!! its thursday which means one more day untill the weekend!! i went drving today around huwei and it was amazing, people are so happy to see me and it brings this huge postive energy to me, taiwan is a really cool place and my apartment is so nice when you look out any of the windows theres mountains its so beautiful. Theres this cram school right outside out apartment, and i popped my head in to say hello to the lady that runs it and she gave me this huge bag of fruit.. someone i have never met! everyone here is soo incredibly nice!! i dont know i just kinda stood back today and grasped what im doing and really let it sink in that im in another country .. the wow factor def came to mind!! i really just want to soak up everything see everything do everything!and i am super excited about this weekend going to kenting it should be so much fun!! thank you to everyone who has been supporting me honestly you guys really keep me going on those hard days!!! ill try to load some pix hear shortly it just takes forever to do it so lol maybe next thursday !! Oh i almost forgot to tell you all i had another visitor in the shower today .. this time it was something with eight legs and about the size of a your palm on your hand maybe alittle bigger thats right A FRIGGIN SPIDER!!! i through the bar of soap at it and it seemed to hurt it alittle bit cause it slowed it down enough for me to get a shoe and kill it!! but let me tell you it was gross!!!!!!!! anywho ill leave you with that visual ahaha ok also if you guys get a chance check out youtube and type in wilson philips hold on haha theres these three guys lyp shyncing i almost fell off my chair laughingMWHA

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hey everyone not much is happening here i am just tired today lol.. all is well and i dont really have alot to say im really excited about the weekend and i just wanted to say a quick hello to Giselle your awsome!!! i hope you know that and hello to my family and my mom!! also to everyone else that is hearing about the crazy rain/floods and the mud slides in taiwan/china! its no where near me so im safe!love you all

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


haha i new you were going to say that giselle... nothing really new is happening with me these days just REALLY excited about the weekend and the holiday it should be really nice to go to the beach!! YEAH YEAH.. as for teaching is same old same old today im really happy its weds because tomorrow i have a half day which always goes by fast and then after that i only have friday which usually ALWAYS goes by slowbut im sure i can manage!! people here are really worried about there health jeanie one of the coolest teachers in the school haah had a twitch so she went to the hospital becasue she was so worried and they zapped her a bunch of times with this machine and it left bruises all up both arms.. all to tell her shes just tired hahahah its crazy!! they believe they have to HAVE TO go to the doctor 13 times a year and thats just min more is better!! anywho im kinda bored and dont have much to say today but theres your little info on taiwan have a good one everyone love ya lots

Monday, June 11, 2007

Hello... Well today was really good.. Im really glad i got put at HuiHwa its an awsome school !! and i can tell even when i leave im going to keep intouch with some of the english teachers cause there amazing!! Sharrno is actually done working at the school as of July 31st because she is coming to Canada for 6 months to study english in sept soo thats really exciting for her.. kinda sucky for me but lol oh well.. And jeanie really wants to come to canada to, but she is worried about money and she has a three year old boy ethan and she is not sure how she would bring him with her.. Its so funny so many people are dying to leave canada to see the world and what it has to offer... while on the other hand people are dying to come to canada to achieve somethign that all of us take for granted.. opertunity.. Bonny my principal is soooooo nice.. I told her that I was scared about staying alone in my apartment and she was like then you dont go you stay at my house untill you ready.. and even after you move to huwie you can still every lunch hour come to my house and use computer, or have a nap you always welcome... haha the people here are honestly amazing i dont think you could find nicer people.. Im kinda blabbing tonight cause i got so much to say and i feel like its just not coming out right.. its so weird my emotions haha one min im having the time of my life the next min or day im crying cause i miss home.. im sure thats normal, i just i think if i were to come home now i would be taking the easy way out.. and i honestly feel like ive done enough of that in my life, and i dont need to do it anymore.. Ive been talking to Erin the teacher that was at HuiHwa before me because while she was there she did a bunch of volunteering at orphanages so im going to see what i have to do or where i have to go inorder to do that because i think that would be pretty amazing.. as for saving money.. man its so darn hard to save money when your here just for the simple fact that i want to go and see sooooooo much that it will be hard for me to come back with much.. actually thats not true ill come home with alot.. just not money hehe .. thats ok tho im hoping there will be a job for me at baby-pops hahah Giselle in the words of donald trump YOU FIRED lol just kidding .. your the glue now that holds that place together:D..actually i was really hoping to get a job at like old navy haha (i like the clothes there) heeh.. anywyas now im just rambling.. Just so everyone knows IM FINE mom im not being flooded out or anythign like that!!theres alot of rain here but its the rainy season lol . Love you all
p.s DEANNA i miss ya

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lfe is full of fears

Well today i moved in to huwei and i was really excited and really scared all at the same time.. i had to pay an extra 1500nt becase they said they cleaned it HAHAH what a joke i spent 4 hours cleaning.. huwei is a really nice town and its a college town so theres alot of people my age AND HOT BOYS!!! I LOVE HOT BOYS haha its nice to finally see some thats for sure.. but im back in lunbei tonigth.. i dunno i got really scared all a sudden just having second thoughts about everything.. and its not just about being here its gaining weight.. its not exersizing enough .. its missing home.. its being alone..its fear of settleing for something less or something that im not sure about ... i dont knwo it got to me.. and i dont have a computer at my apartment yet so i came back to bonnys to spend the night.. she is such a nice lady!! im so happy that i came.. and i know ive only been gone alittle while but its like lol how do people honestly move away for so long i mean i heard all kinds of stories about people teaching away for 5 years or staying... the teaching is great its fun exciting.. but i dont understand how some people can stay away for so long, i dont know if its becasue im really close to my family or if its just becuase this is all still very new to me.. either way its mind boggling!! soo ive made some travel arrangments... im going to hong kong on july 11th for 5 days and on augest 29th im going to the philipines for 2 weeks :D:D:D:D im pretty excited about that.. anyways i love you guys all sooooo much and i miss you all thanks again for all the support:D

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Ok ladies and gentlemen my sister has officially flipped her lid... lol jeez ita about time you mesg my blog... lol well im off to moving.. im kinda scared actually and it kinda sucks to be cut off again from the computer and phone but im sure i will survive.. i can use the computers at the school so:D.. anyways i love you all sooooooooooooooooooo much and i miss everyone1!! and if any one heard about the mud slide im ok lol actually i didnt even hear about it untill my grandma called.. WHICH WAS A GREAT SUPRISE THANK YOU!! i love you all mwha

p.s babyz tiarrah flying I LOVE YOU THE MOST

what a day

Well today was full of intersting things happening... i woke up with a screaming headach.. and at 9:00am the power went off :O:O ooooooooooh ya lol Bonnys two kids were here but she had left for school soo my first thought would be to look for a breaker box hahah well in taiwan houses there are not windows in everyroom in fact there are no windows except for the front of the house that looks into the garage... and the back of the house that looks into the feild soo here all three of us our sitting in complete dark all wondering what to do.. might i mention we have this HUUUUUUUUUGE language barrior between us.. lol soo i go hunting for what hmm a flash light, lighter something.. anything and i find a flash light YES only to try and turn it on and realize hmm its dead ahhhhhh soo i remember wait i have a couple lighters on the stand in my room ( which is completly dark") soo i go hunting moving my hands around and then SMASH A glass jar/aroma thing smashed into a million pieces on to the floor letting out this overwhelming amount of oder that honestly was so overbearing i had to stand outside because it was so strong.. lol sooo now its completly dark... completly stinky.. and i have two children asking me what we do now .. what we do now... Now i was going to correct there grammer but i thought it was not the time... so we sit.. and we sit 9:00 turns to 1:00.. stuff in the fridge is melting phones dont work.. so i get this great idea everyones power cant be out and i could atleast drive with allen and judy to a pay phone to call there mother because im sure she would know what to do ... ( btw all day we have been playing with the breaker turing it on and off to see if it will work.. an no it didnt) sooo i try and explain to the children to come with me lol but they dont understand so i decided lol to go to the cram school that i teach at to see if they have power.. HAHAHA soo usually i put my keys in my purse but for some reason last night i didnt so i had to walk into my room pitch black and try and find them... well the smell over took me again and then i thought omg this gross smell is going to seep into my clothes i gotta clean this up.. so here i am with a broom .. a mop and a dust pan sweeping something i cant see.. all i can do is hear the glass being swept ... and then the mopping its one of those sponge mops soo i have a pale and im mopping dunkin it in water and moping but the smell is not going anywhere so i smell the mop OMG IT STINKS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD soo i brought it to my bathroom you know the one wtiht he shower in the sink lol and i start cleaning the mop.. go back mop some.. go to the bathroom clean the mop .. then go mop some more.. finally i got my room to where is was bearable and i started looking for my keys .. hahah the funny thing is how do you look for somethign you cant see??????????????????? yeah lol soo i gave up ( p.s i couldnt use the liter because i burnt my thumb realy bad because it got really hot while i was looking around.. ) ok so finally i get this brillent idea once again.. and i say well last night i got home i wnt straight to my room and i put everyhting on my desk.. and then i continued to pack some stuff so maybe just maybe i put it into my makeup bag WOLA WOLA lol.. there my keys were so i leave i go to the school and they have power now the enligh teachers were not there soo i had to try and explain to bonnys mother that she had no power hahah that was funny.. finally i got to use the phone and i called bonny to let her know what was going on and her answer was why.. lol why is the power off I THOUGHT TO MYSELF ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways so i left with 6 containers of turkey rice apparently there grandmother was afraid we would starve... so i get home and we wait... wait... its now 4:30 and im teaching the kids the witch doctor song you know ooo eee oaa ting tang walla walla bing bang.. after singing we decided to go play the piano for a bit.. and finally im like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH im going to go check the breaker one more time i flip all the switches and waaaaaaaaaaala lol POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the angels were singing!!! hahah... anyways thats pretty much alli have to say for now that was my exciting news for the weekend.. oh p.s im moving tomorrow:D

Friday, June 8, 2007

Well i dont have a whole lot to say today im really excited about moving on sunday:D:D things are going to be alot better for me i think once i have my own place... theres this new forieng teacher who moved to lunbei the same place im in right now hes from england and hes 26 years old so the principal is going to introduce us so we can hang and ill finally ahve someone to go to the bars with lol... anyways love you all and i hope everythign is good with everyone

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

cut the mole hairs

lol ... hahahhaa oooooooooooook people in taiwan soo i get your not supposed to pluck hairs out of a mole HOWEVER lol when you have several hairs that are about 5-10 inches long USE SCISSORS lol honestly its like austin powers... moly moly moly A BU lol sorry im sure you all are reading this and are like what!! lol but its the funniest thing you have these women and men walking around with loooooooooooooooong mole hairs and when i say long i mean looooooooooooooooong anyways just wanted to share that with you all :D

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hello all...Hey giselle yeah im sure working has become such a drag now that im not there.. i mean wheres the drama... wheres the humour... wheres the cheekyness lol it left and now its in a forieng country with noone to joke with.. lol i was having a really blonde day as you all know i have hehe and i was trying to explain to Jenie what that ment and she just did not understand .. they do not really get jokes here at all which sux but theres this guy murphy who lived in canada to learn english for 5 years so he comes to the school once a week and bugs me all day which is nice and refreshing... !! the culture is very different i mean the kids get slapped on the mouth of on the hand/butt if there not being good at school theres certain things you cant say like death or dead because if you do someone in your family will die... tehy are VERY VERY SUPERSTIOUS when someone dies they put like this huge tent over there store or house its usually red.. and they will hire like strippers to come in for the men becasue they represent something really bad and if all the bad energry is pointed towards the stripers the dead person wont get very much... they also rely on the calender for barring them so only good times of the year they will get barried... however everyone is always creamated its weird because whole familys will have one great tumb stone thing and it will be in the middle of a corn feild lol its supposed to bless there food tho... People here are really really nice!! espesially because i am a white girl alone.. its they see me and always smiling always trying to feed me.. when i started looking for apartments lots of teachers at my school offered me to live with them for free just because its a great honor for them to have me stay... When you invite someone out for dinner here you pay its not like in canada were you split tabs or ill pay tip you pay this its always the person who offers and dont even bother to try and offer to pay because they wont let you..!! and actaully there is no tipping here lol.. no tax which is nice.. I like to think of taiwan as the smartest/dumbest people in the world because they grilled to know so much of there own language and then theres english.. but man they can be sooooo slow and just like dumb at the same time lol its very weird anyways ive blabbed long enough haha .. have a good night everyone !!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

My apartment

Well i was VERY afraid to go looking at apartments today cause i honestly did not know what i would run into HOWEVER!! the one i got and the one im moving into next week is AWSOME IT HAS A NICE BATHROOM WITH A TUB NO MORE BENDING OVER SHOWERS HALIUHA!!!! a tolet 3 bedrooms a kitchen a living room a belcony with a great veiw its on the 9th floor and its a gated apartment building with three towers... WITH SECURITY!!! and hewie is sooooooooooooo much nicer then lubei theres so much more to do and theres the university right by me with a gym that im going to get sign up in and theres just theres pubs and yeah!!you guys lol im just really happy and excited about my apartment because its nice... and it has a tub and a tolet lol its nicer then my one back at home and ahhhhhhhh lol i almost started crying when i saw it becasue its just its great!!and all for the low price of 300$ a month im so excited!!i can do stuff now go shopping and ahhh yeah!!!! ok love you guys
hey all... how is everyone doing? im doing ok just kinda planning out my year, where to go what to see, what tours to go on.. its pretty excited!! we have the dragon boat festival coming up on the 16 of june so thats exciting... i hope to go down to kenting becuase i get four days off and its supposed to be this AMAZING beach!!and its only three hours away 1 hour on train soo im pretty sure thats what ill be doing.. life right now is really weird.. its like one big puzzle and each day im here i feel like i find another peice that makes me feel more fulfilled, or shows me a side that i never new i had either way its great.. Im really excited not only for this year but when i come back to go to school and live out that experience ive decided to go and become an RN ( registered nurse) i know crazy right lol kim your probably going to be most shocked just becuase we have had convos about nursing lol... but i have been thinking about it for a while and just to afraid to mention it because i was playing the well i cant do that.. ill never beable to do that in my head but you know what ??i can do that and i am going to do that... where did it come from well i really feel like ive always had a need to help people when there vunrable and i know through experience with my little neice that when your in a state of complete shock or sadness or just confusion or what ever emotion which most people are when they are in the hospital its always a nice feeling to know you have a nice person who is trying to help you someone who isnt a grump and who isnt making you feel bad just someone who is there to help and be comforting and i really feel like i could do that and do it well!! right now im really looking at a few places to attend school university of calgary, university of alberta, mount royal, grant macwen ive looked at the college in kelwona :) its pretty excited.. i know im going to have to do some upgrading first and its going to take alot of work i mean alot of work but im gonna do it... im ready to step up to the plate.. and anyways i have this great year to travel and PARTy!!! and work !! other then that not alot is new with me i got pooped on by a bird and didnt know about till i got home lol ... yup going to look at apartments tomorrow and just really enjoying my weekend have a good one everyone!! stay safe and keep me in your prayers:D