Tuesday, June 12, 2007


haha i new you were going to say that giselle... nothing really new is happening with me these days just REALLY excited about the weekend and the holiday it should be really nice to go to the beach!! YEAH YEAH.. as for teaching is same old same old today im really happy its weds because tomorrow i have a half day which always goes by fast and then after that i only have friday which usually ALWAYS goes by slowbut im sure i can manage!! people here are really worried about there health jeanie one of the coolest teachers in the school haah had a twitch so she went to the hospital becasue she was so worried and they zapped her a bunch of times with this machine and it left bruises all up both arms.. all to tell her shes just tired hahahah its crazy!! they believe they have to HAVE TO go to the doctor 13 times a year and thats just min more is better!! anywho im kinda bored and dont have much to say today but theres your little info on taiwan have a good one everyone love ya lots

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

zapping for a twitch sounds kind of hard you should tell them about the time that we summond our own spirits to heal remember the light flickering on and off we really thought we had some power talk to you later.

love candice and babyz tiarrah flying