Thursday, April 12, 2007


17 days and counting... call me a dork but i LOVE THE HILLS lol im really glad i get to see the series finale, off to another day of work im so done working im probably a total big drag to all my co-workers but its just so hard to focus on something that your leaving ya know thats not to say i dont care its just hard to care at this point haha, I dont have much to say today just hope everyone is good nerves are starting to kick into over gear however i slept all through the night last night which is great :D:D:D anywho have a good one guys love ya


Anonymous said...

Hi Krystal:

You are an inspiration to all who have ever wanted to travel and see the world. Follow your dreams and they will come true. Be true to yourself and you will become a true friend, lover, and mentor. Play safe and you will be safe.

Anonymous said...

We just wanted to remind you that we love you and are so proud of what you are doing no matter how hard it is to see you go. I know that when you come home you will be stronger and wiser for it. (not wiser than me but wiser than you are now)
Also babyz says that she loves you even though you are leaving and when you get back you can give her noodles she is really excited

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I am very proud of you for following through with this trip. I think you are a very brave person. You will have such an awesome time. I will miss you!
